Weekly Newsletter @ The Intersection Between Music, Art, Entertainment & Tech

Oprah Winfrey Hello GIF by Apple TV+

Welcome Back! I can’t believe its already been a week. A lot has happened so lets jump straight into it!

New Updates Coming!

We are releasing a really exciting new model that will update our animation style and looks incredible! Join our waitlist below to get it ASAP!


A recent UK study by Ofcom reveals a striking trend in AI usage among young internet users: 79% of online teenagers (13-17 years old) are engaging with generative AI tools, significantly higher than the 31% of adult internet users. The most popular service among young users is Snapchat's 'My AI' chatbot, and there's a notable gender disparity in ChatGPT usage, with 34% of boys and only 14% of girls using it. This data highlights the growing integration of AI in the digital habits of the younger generation.

YouTube is taking decisive action against AI-generated content that replicates the unique voices of musical artists. The platform is introducing a new system allowing music partners to request the removal of such content, initially available to labels and distributors involved in YouTube’s AI music experiments. This move is part of YouTube's broader efforts to balance innovation with community safety, including new policies requiring creators to disclose AI-generated or altered content and the potential for penalties for non-compliance.

TikTok is in the process of reinventing itself as both a partner to music companies, and a competitor to streaming and distribution services.

Now, a new market analysis sheds some light on why the Tik Tok has focused so intensely on expanding its services in the music world, with the firm reporting to be a major driver of music consumption and spending.

While that may not come as a surprise to those who’ve noted the overlap between TikTok and music culture, the numbers in the analysis shine a light on the scale of TikTok’s influence.creativity in the digital age.

Artist Highlight:

Im currently in South Africa right now and thought it would be appropriate to highlight the most popular song coming out of SA as of lately. You may have heard this (especially if you are on Tik Tok), but many didn’t know she is South African.

🎶 Enjoy 🎶

Stay Tuned and Keep Vibin',
